Serving Clients Full Circle

Writings by Randall

Learning from the Young

The old adage goes “put your money where your mouth is.” In today’s Twitter/social media world, it seems to be a lot easier to put your words out into the cosmos without having to back them up.  However, two interesting moments in the last week have indicated a real sense of hope among Millennials and Generation Z and a willingness to “practice what you preach.”   

Millennials are defined as anyone born between 1981 and 1996 while Generation Z is anyone born after 1997. 

The first was a dinner that I had with a great friend, colleague, and someone I respect immensely. He was talking about his company and how they’re really struggling to best understand younger employees. That led us into a conversation about some of the things I’ve been reading, not only about donors in this age group but also just generally about those who fit the younger part of Millennials and absolutely everyone in Generation Z. The second was the story from the Nonprofit Times, from April 19, that talks about young adults and how they are making choices about their beliefs systems through purchasing power and spending money.

In both cases, this is the same. Younger adults are demonstrating that their belief system is less likely to be compromised based on money. In the case of my colleague, willingness to leave a job for another if the organization’s social understanding and outreach don’t match with their belief system. The other, from the story, is that younger people are willing to pay a little bit more for a product or service if it comes from a more appropriate social or environmentally appropriate company.

I really can only speak for myself. I am so price-conscious. I’m a saver by nature. And frankly, don’t fit very well in either of these scenarios and the actions of younger people. But I think that’s a statement more about them and their alignment of belief system and how it aligns with money more than this whole thing speaks about me. Frankly, it’s reassuring. Individuals who are willing to either take less money or spend more in alignment with their principles bodes well for the future. In time, will know if they’re philanthropic giving aligns as well.